There is something strange about finding snoring solutions. Firstly, there is no dearth of snorers with every family boasting of at least one amongst them. It is common to find almost everyone in the family trying to stop the menace, but not many succeed. The search goes on, but most of the time it meets a dead end. Why is that? One of the reasons why most searches for snoring solutions turn fruitless could be because not many bother to know the causes of snoring.
The redeeming feature about solving this common bedroom issue is that there are countless snoring remedies - available readily both online and from offline resources. But the point is which of these would suit you best?
To solve snoring problems, know why you snore
It does not require rocket science to appreciate that solutions are mostly part of the problem. Once you know why the problem is affecting you, the solution stares at you. Likewise, there are plenty of causes of snoring - which of them is relevant to you?
If you know why you snore, finding a solution to solve the problem would not take much time.
What happens during snoring?
The real starting point of snoring is when people start to breathe through the mouth. Breathing muscles often collapse during sleep and block the air passage causing breathing difficulties. In this relaxed state, the muscles may also vibrate. The noise of vibration is known as snoring.
Why would they collapse? Obesity is one of the prime reasons for this to happen. Obesity means not just putting on weight around the waist, etc, but also in the muscles directly responsible for breathing like those located in the throat, tongue, jaw, soft palate and uvula. Excess fat accumulated in these muscles make them weak and flaccid, resulting in their collapse and subsequent blockage of the air passage.
Plenty of reasons for snoring - which of them look most likely?
Some likely reasons for snoring include:
* Obesity that affects the breathing muscles along with other visible parts of the body like the abdomen, etc.
* Consumption of alcohol - this causes over-relaxation of breathing muscles
* Wrong pillow height can cause nasal blockage.
* Wrong sleeping position - sleeping too much on the back causes snoring.
* Blockage of the nasal pathway can be caused by:
- Anatomical defects like deviated septum, crooked bone at the bridge of the nose, misalignment of jaws, etc.
- Formation of polyps or tumors in the nasal cavity
- Nasal congestion
- Cold or allergies
* Age-related weakness of throat muscles. Old age can cause such muscles to collapse during sleep.
Therefore, the right approach to find the solution to your snoring problems is to identify the reason for snoring. Once identified, the snoring doctor can then help you find the most appropriate solution that promises to end the problem once and for all.
Though snoring may appear to be a harmless, though noisy problem, it is in your own interest that you should give the problem the importance it deserves. Neglected snoring can worsen quickly into one of the worst sleep disorders called sleep apnea, the consequences of which are not always pleasant.
The redeeming feature about solving this common bedroom issue is that there are countless snoring remedies - available readily both online and from offline resources. But the point is which of these would suit you best?
To solve snoring problems, know why you snore
It does not require rocket science to appreciate that solutions are mostly part of the problem. Once you know why the problem is affecting you, the solution stares at you. Likewise, there are plenty of causes of snoring - which of them is relevant to you?
If you know why you snore, finding a solution to solve the problem would not take much time.
What happens during snoring?
The real starting point of snoring is when people start to breathe through the mouth. Breathing muscles often collapse during sleep and block the air passage causing breathing difficulties. In this relaxed state, the muscles may also vibrate. The noise of vibration is known as snoring.
Why would they collapse? Obesity is one of the prime reasons for this to happen. Obesity means not just putting on weight around the waist, etc, but also in the muscles directly responsible for breathing like those located in the throat, tongue, jaw, soft palate and uvula. Excess fat accumulated in these muscles make them weak and flaccid, resulting in their collapse and subsequent blockage of the air passage.
Plenty of reasons for snoring - which of them look most likely?
Some likely reasons for snoring include:
* Obesity that affects the breathing muscles along with other visible parts of the body like the abdomen, etc.
* Consumption of alcohol - this causes over-relaxation of breathing muscles
* Wrong pillow height can cause nasal blockage.
* Wrong sleeping position - sleeping too much on the back causes snoring.
* Blockage of the nasal pathway can be caused by:
- Anatomical defects like deviated septum, crooked bone at the bridge of the nose, misalignment of jaws, etc.
- Formation of polyps or tumors in the nasal cavity
- Nasal congestion
- Cold or allergies
* Age-related weakness of throat muscles. Old age can cause such muscles to collapse during sleep.
Therefore, the right approach to find the solution to your snoring problems is to identify the reason for snoring. Once identified, the snoring doctor can then help you find the most appropriate solution that promises to end the problem once and for all.
Though snoring may appear to be a harmless, though noisy problem, it is in your own interest that you should give the problem the importance it deserves. Neglected snoring can worsen quickly into one of the worst sleep disorders called sleep apnea, the consequences of which are not always pleasant.
About the Author:
If you want to know more about natural cures for snoring, then visit Douglas Kidder's site and find out everything you want to know about snoring remedies.
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