Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Clothes For Men: What They've Worn and What They're Wearing

By Harvin Gulfill

Clothing have been continuously evolving and changing for the past decades. Now formulas and reviving and revision of old styles and a neo-classical approach are only some of the numerous stages of fashion development. With these deviations, clothes for men have undergone with so much enhancements also since fashion is not just a word that describe women and their outfits but also including the masculine group.

Men's clothing is known to be plain and simple, beholding the main character "comfort" that goes with almost every men's outfit. Since men are not fond of so much designs and excessive accessories, their apparels are generally tailored for their simple preferences. Though some have been engaged with the use of dresses that are a bit expound women's dress are still more complicated than clothes for men.

Beating with the current style, urban cities usually absorb easily the clothing trends as presented by media or through other kinds of promotion. Men's clothing preferences are easily affected by such advertisements which make a clothing style's foundation of the present times to have a weaker foundation. This is in contrary with the previous clothing trends wherein designs dominates for a much longer period of time and leaves a mark on the fashion history unlike today.

The status in life is also something that should be considered since average people can only avail and use average clothes and not those expensive tux's that rich people usually wearing. Culture and religion also plays a vital role with men's outfit because their beliefs are quite the framework on how they adjust their ways of living, including their clothing styles.

Clothes have been journeying ever since humankind started to realize that there's nakedness but all in all, these clothes are meant to cover or protect man such as from cold weather, direct heat and so much more. Clothes of men have dealt with several hundreds of improvements and are changing as the days pass by.

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