Selasa, 08 November 2011

Hitting the Books as an Adult

By Anne Bradley

You may think you are too old to go back to school. But adult education is one of the best choices you can make in your life. The truth is, it's not youth that is wasted on the young: often the worst waste is education before a student is ready for it. Mature students who return to school find that they are steadier, more focused, more productive, and better prepared for school than they ever were the first time out -- and they are much more aware of why education really matters.

The mature student, returning to classes, has experienced the real world, and knows better than anyone how much of a difference a good education can make. If you return to school you return understanding that income, status, promotions, and satisfaction all depend on having a solid educational grounding.

There are so many ways you can go, once you have made that discovery. Whether you are returning to an education you once cut short by dropping out, or just failing to continue beyond a certain point, or if you are dreaming of going back to school to be able to reach new goals, the wisdom and discipline gained as an adult can permit you to excel as never before.

What is available for anyone looking for an adult education? The options are nearly endless. It almost does not matter what you want to do: a program exists to satisfy your need...and there is likely to be something available that matches your schedule and your budget, too. From private certificate programs to online degrees, community college to a return to a university or university extension, there is something for everyone out there.

Learning what is out there is often a matter of Googling and making a few phone calls: simple and efficient. Once you know what you want to do...get a certificate as a radiologist, learn a programming language, or get a degree -- you can search for adult education in that area of study. Your local high schools and colleges should also be able to provide information, not just on their own programs, but information on the entire range of possible educational paths you may want to take. Most community colleges have incredible resources to help you learn what your options are -- and in many cases they have counselors who can help you in person, too.

The fear that you are too old is a bad reason not to return to get an adult education and there are thousands of good reasons why you are just the right age! There is no better time than now: for you, for your family, for your community and for your nation. We need good minds well prepared, and by following your dream and achieving your goals you can do the world good -- and improve your sense of worth and your satisfaction with your life a thousand-fold.

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