Jumat, 11 November 2011

Standard Advice About Several Pregnancy Symptoms

By Travis Ramos

For nine months, a pregnant woman often feels exhausted and experience several pregnancy symptoms while carrying the baby in her womb. The sad thing is that pregnancy has more challenges to bring as the date of giving birth draws near. Many pregnant women experience many major body changes, pregnancy symptoms and terrible pains as the baby continues to grow bigger and bigger inside the womb.

One of the most common pregnancy symptoms is frequent urination. This is due to the pressure exerted by the baby which squeezes the mother's bladder gradually. This also results to kidney malfunction as the kidney finds it hard to get rid of waste products. In essence, a pregnant woman may accidently release urine when she coughs, sneezes and laughs. An easy treatment for this issue is by preventing yourself from drinking of bevarages that contains large amount of caffeine.

Other typical pregnancy symptoms of pregnant woman may also experience are stomach acids that seep back up to their esophagus. This is due to the relaxation of the valves at the entrance of the stomach. Eventually, heartburn and indigestion are likely to occur. The problem with this condition is that it may worsen in the second or third trimester. One way to lessen this problem is to have 5 to 6 average meals instead of having 3 complete meals in a day. Additionally, see to it that you include foods rich in fiber in the diet.

In most cases, backache is 1 of the pregnancy symptoms experienced many times by a pregnant woman during the whole period of her pregnancy. Back ache is normally felt in the lower portion making it difficult for the pregnant women to sit, stand and sleep. Usually, this is due to the strain in the extra weight being carried and the changes in the posture as the center of gravity has been shifted forward and more pressure has been added in the lower back. The actual conditioning of the muscle that supports tha spine during pregnancy may also be the cause of back ache. Because of these pregnancy symptoms, pregnant women are advised not to carry large or heavy load and avoid doing tasks that involve fast movements. Moreover, a comfortable mattress is highly suggested to be used in sleeping or lying so that the body, especially the back will feel more relaxed.

On the other hand, pregnancy symptoms like hormonal changes in a pregnant woman's body may cause her to feel dizzy especially when there is a sudden change in position. Even though this is normal, pregnany symptoms like having a dizzy spells can be a critical issue especially when it occurs in public places away from home or while driving a car. If pregnancy symptoms continue to get worse, it is best advised to see a doctor right away before taking any medication.

These are just some of the pregnancy symptoms that a woman may feel for her to certify that she's pregnant. These pregnancy symptoms are not meant to make the experience painful for women, but the body's way to adjust to the changes happening in the body.

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