Senin, 07 November 2011

Unexpected Places to Find Cheap Jewelry Supplies

By Kate Laten

A lot of people who are just starting to make their own handmade jewelry get caught up in all the magazine articles and books and begin thinking that the only way to really purchase beads and jewelry supplies are through specialized jewelry and beading outlets. To make beautiful handmade jewelry you don't have to spend a lot of money on your beads and craft supplies.

But you do not have to just use the clearance beads that are offered up at your local bead store. There are lots of surprising places you can go to purchase cheap beads.

Clearance and warehouse stores: We have several different chains of stores in my area that specialize in overstock items, dented and dinged merchandise and products that have simply been forgotten. Their stock changes pretty often and one week they may have a pallet of coffee makers for $7.00 a piece while the next week they have leather chairs marked 90% down. I always check their art supply sections because every now and then they have piles of beads from a craft store or bead store somewhere that closed down. I usually end up filling a shopping basket with beads when I stumble across them because I know that they will not be there next week!

Large chain art stores: Craft stores are finally learning that bead jewelry is big business and now most have at least three aisles full of beads and beading supplies, often at very low prices. You can even find books and beading patterns in some of the larger stores now.

Hardware stores: Yes, I know this sounds crazy, but if you're looking to add some fun and unique pieces to your jewelry then you really have to think about going to a hardware store and looking over their sections of fasteners, screws and even nails. I've picked up grommets, washers, and even some cool little metal clasps from my local hardware store and used them all in different jewelry pieces. Jewelry made from hardware pieces always seems to be a hit amongst the teenagers and younger audience members at the craft shows I visit.

It's amazing what sort of beads and jewelry supplies you can find when you're thinking outside the box. Some of these stores aren't the kind of place you'd normally go to find jewelry supplies, but I've learned to be open-minded when it comes to finding great ways of making jewelry.

Of course when you find a great deal on jewelry making supplies to record the cost in a notebook or in your jewelry making program. So keep an eye out wherever you shop and always be ready to look for and buy some affordable beads. Every time you shop you may be just moments away from finding some amazing deals on beads for making jewelry.

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